I think I have finally got to a point in my life where I feel like I have actually lived through a lot of inspirational quotes. I see some and think to myself yes that is what I think everyday but how do you get yourself to the point without going through something awful first? 

Life is too short not to -- this is something a lot of us will frequently say. I have always said it but don't feel like I practised it so well. Now I find myself saying it all the time but I truly believe it and I am actually doing the things that I was once too afraid to do because life is too short to worry about what other people think. The fact is most decent people aren't worrying about what you are wearing/ doing but yesterday I did read somebody made a comment online about women being too big to wear short skirts. Perhaps it was said in jest and was a little private joke that he had going on with somebody else. I quickly came off this site as I really wanted to say have you not thought that maybe that lady is trying her best to be brave and one bad comment may mean she will never want to show her legs again or worse still, leave the house again.
I have not wore shorts for years, not because I hate my legs in fact although not the best legs in the world they are probably one of my better features. I suffer from dry itchy skin and never wanted anybody to see it. In the previous weeks building up to what could possibly be our summer, I have been applying this to my affected areas four times a day.
It is looking so much better and although not perfect, I can cope with not perfect much better than ever. I have been wearing my shorts and if anybody should make a comment I shall just tell them "life is too short not to wear shorts if I want too, I am very proud of my legs especially my left leg as it forgot how to walk at one point in my life but here it is walking again. Why would I be ashamed of that?
This is good too for getting you to feel a bit more summer ready. It is easy to use and just gives a slight sun kissed feel to the skin without having to worry too much about precise application. I did shave my legs and exfoliate with a body scrub first. Shaving my right leg is the hardest for me as my left hand is very weak (I get so upset when people tell me I am not using my left hand enough because if I do something like shave my legs my left hand doesn't want to be bothered again for a little while. You can almost feel it falling asleep. I use my left hand all I can but I must remember that it gets too tired to do everything that my right hand does)

Love the people who treat you right
The people who messaged me straight after my stroke is significantly more than those who still play a active part in my life now. I am so grateful to these people and so grateful to be given the chance to see who really is there for me in my life. I shall certainly keep these people close and will always be there for them should they ever need me.
Everything happens for a reason
I wish it hadn't happened to me but it has and from this I have decided that something good has to come from it. I am on a journey to make my life the best life it can be, life can not get much better than that. As time goes on and I improve I really do want to help others who have been through similar to myself but I think in order to do that well I need to concentrate on healing myself first. I am pretty sure though that somewhere in the grand scheme of things that having a stroke was some part of a greater plan. I am still very much at the begining of this journey.
If you get a chance, take it
Obviously within reason I am very much trying to be a yes person. I am sensible enough to realise my limits but I also enjoy to push myself too. I am trying my teach my daughter to do the same as although I may not be mentioning her specifically in all this she is very much in this journey with me too.
I really would like to get this printed and framed in our house as I think it sums up me and daughter perfectly. In fact, I sat down with her last night telling her this. I promised myself I would never be a pushy mum but it is very hard to get the right balance of encouragement and not pushiness. I watched her swimming yesterday in her school gala. At bedtime I asked her did she think she tried her best at it? Of course her first answer was yes but we talked more and it eventually came out that she felt that she could have done better. I told her how at my exercise class earlier that day that although I am aiming for something that has not been achieved yet I felt so proud of myself that I knew that I could have not done any better. She went off to school this morning telling me that we both must try our best today. :)
Nobody said life would be easy
So true, it's not easy so just make the best of it! I think I spent too much of my life constantly waiting for the moment that life would be perfect. The fact is you can have perfect moments so treasure those with all your heart, it's never going to be all perfect.
Make the most of it and enjoy every moment that you can :)
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